Mengenal Gambar Huruf untuk Test Mata Snellen Chart dan LogMAR Chart
Mengenal Gambar Huruf untuk Test Mata Snellen Chart dan LogMAR Chart. Gambar Huruf untuk Test Mata disebut dengan nama Grafik Snellen atau Snellen Chart adalah grafik mata yang biasa digunakan oleh tenaga medis untuk mengukur ketajaman visual. Dokter mata asal Belanda Herman Snellen yang pertama kali menemukan teknik ini merujuk pada namanya alat ini disebut dengan Grafik Snellen yang mulai dikembangkan dan digunakan pada tahun 1862 sebagai alat pengukuran ketajaman mata yang kemudian dikembangkan oleh profesornya Franciscus Cornelis Donders. 
Obese and in Danger
Obese and in Danger. When a person is 100 pounds (45.3 kg) or more over his or her ideal body weight, the condition is referred to as morbidobesity. This is a serious disease. Morbid obesity may also be defined as a BMI of 40 or greater, or as a BMI between 35 and 40 if accompanied by a serious medical
Smoking and Pregnancy
Smoking and Pregnancy. Women who smoke have increased risk for conception delay and for both primary and secondary infertility. Women who smoke during pregnancy risk pregnancy complications, premature birth, low birth weight infants, infections, still birth, and infant death.
Fever Treatment, stomach trouble and bone complaints with Bastard agrimony/ Agreratumconyzoides/ Billy Goat weed
Fever Treatment, stomach trouble and bone complaints with Bastard agrimony/ Agreratumconyzoides/ Billy Goat weed
Fever Treatment, stomach trouble and bone complaints with Bastard agrimony/ Agreratumconyzoides/ Billy Goat weed. A decoction of the roots or leaves Bastard agrimony is given to treat fever. The leaves, prepared as an infusion, are used as an eyewash (also in the Gold Coast), as a drug against stomach trouble, for wound treatment (ointment), to treat bone complaints.
