Tips for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women

Tips for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women. Some tips below are, for women in pregnancy and breastfeeding disorders :
1. Morning sickness. “Morning” sickness is not necessarily unique to mornings. About half of all pregnant women experience this during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Eat dry toast or crackers. 
  • Eat smaller amounts—more frequently—so that your stomach isn't too empty or too full. 
  • Limit or avoid spicy and fried foods. 
  • Sip liquids. Try crushed ice or frozen ice pops to avoid dehydration if you are vomiting. 
  • Cook in a well-ventilated kitchen.
2. Heartburn.  During the later part of pregnancy, hormonal changes and the pressure due to an expanding uterus pushing on your stomach slow the rate at which food leaves the stomach. To diminish heartburn:
  • Eat smaller meals more frequently. 
  • Limit or avoid chocolate and spicy and fried foods. 
  • Limit caffeine.
3. Constipation.  Increased pressure from the growing baby can slow down the movement of the contents in your bowels.
  • Drink plenty of liquids—2 to 3 quarts daily. 
  • Eat whole-grain breads and cereals, fresh fruits, and raw vegetables. 
  • Exercise moderately and regularly.
4. Anemia.  Pregnancy increases the risk for anemia because of an inadequate intake of iron and folate, greater needs for these nutrients because of the baby, or both.
  • Eat iron-rich foods (red meat, eggs, liver, dried fruit, iron-fortified cereals).
  • Eat foods with folate (leafy green vegetables, oranges and grapefruit, dry beans, and cereals fortified withfolic acid). 
  • Follow your health care provider's recommendations about supplements.
  1. Drink plenty of liquids—2 to 3 quarts daily. 
  2. Choose calcium-rich foods (milk, yogurt, cheese, pudding,tofu). 
  3. If you have a limited diet, check with your health care provider about continuing your prenatal vitamin-mineral supplement. 
  4. Exercise regularly and moderately.
  1. If you drink alcohol, stop. If you don't, don't start. 
  2. If you smoke, stop. If you don't, don't start. 
  3. Avoid excessive salt, which may cause fluid retention and increase blood pressure.
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