Pomegranate/Punica granatum remedy against dysentery and diarrhea

Pomegranate/Punica granatum remedy against dysentery and diarrhea
Pomegranate/Punica granatum remedy against dysentery and diarrhea. The rind of the fruit and bark of the tree of Pomegranate/ Punica granatum used as a traditional remedy for diarrhea, dysentery and intestinal parasites. The seeds and juice is considered a tonic for the heart and throat, and classified as a bitter, astringent (pitta or fire) component of the Ayurvedic system, and is considered a healthy counterbalance a diet rich in low-obese (kapha or soil) components. Next to the flower and the fruits of Pomegranate/ Punica granatum , the rind or bark and the root bark are of therapeutic importance

Pomegranate/Punica granatum remedy against dysentery and diarrhea
The flower of Pomegranate (cooked) is remedy for gingivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth). The fruit (watered with hot water or pulverized with water and honey) is remedy for dysentery. The rind and the root bark are wellknown throughout the east as a specific for tapeworm (a taeniafuge). The root bark of Pomegranate is also used as remedial for diarrhea and dysentery, so is the case eith the fruit and the rind prepared as a decoction. In India the rind of Pomegranate is used in combined drug to treat amoebic dysentery. The astringent juice, flower, peel and bark are considered useful for a variety of purposes, such as going to stop bleeding from the nose and bleeding gums, skin toning, (after being mixed with mustard oil) firming sagging breasts and treatment of hemorrhoids. Pomegranate juice (fruit of specific strains) is also used as eye drops, as it is supposed to slow the progression of cataracts.

Pomegranate/Punica granatum remedy against dysentery and diarrhea
The bark contains several pelletierine alkaloids and much tannin. It proves to contain a taeniafuge. Its efficacy against diarrhea and dysentery might be based on its rich tannin content with astringent action. The fruit skin og Pomegranate contains 25-28% tannin and 30% mucous substance. Its ash contains boric acid. which might be the explanation of a report on a bacteriostatic effect of the plant.Pomegranate/Punica granatum/ Delima is a medicinal plant, often mentioned in pharmacopoeias, National Formulations or legally prescribed in at least 23 countries, it is found on the WHO priority list of the most used medicinal plants in the world.

In pharmachy the bark (of root and stem) is therapeutic known as Cortex Granati. The bark is odourless and tastes bitter,containing 20% active substance, which consists of mixture of pelletierine tannates. Its use is for treatment of tapeworms in man and dog:

man...per oral 0.25-0.30 g, followed bay a laxative
dog...per oral 130-260 mg

In man an overdose might lead to the following side effects, based on its low toxicity; dilation of the pupil, partial blindness, heavy headache,vomiting,diarrhea,muscular spasms,convulsions and paralysis. The use of castor oil simulaltaneously should be avoided, as this may cause poisoning.

Pomegranate/Punica granatum remedy against dysentery and diarrhea
Punica granatum has over 500 named varieties, but the grenade apparently large synonymy, where the same genotype are named differently in different parts of the world. A fruit tree of medium height with alternate, un rugged leaves. The flowers are carmine-red and possess thick, red, low-positioned buds. The yellowwish-red fruits, as big as a small apple, hardness of seed, maturity, juice content and its acidity, sweetness, and astringency, have a leathery skin; are many-partitions, contain many seeds, enveloped by a juicy, edible, sourly sweet tasting cover.

Pomegranate/Punica Granatum is cultivated in Indonesia for its edible fruit. It was cultivated too in the Caucasus since ancient times and today is widely cultivated throughout Iran, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iraq, Egypt, China, Burma, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, the drier parts of southeast Asia, the Mediterranean region of southern Europe, and tropical Africa.

Latin : Punica Granatum/ Malum Granatum
Indonesian : Dalimo/ Delima/ Gangsalan
English : Pomegranate
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