Natural Treatment with Horse-radish tree/Moringa oleifera

Natural Treatment with Horse-radish tree/Moringa oleifera
Natural Treatment with Horse-radish tree/Moringa oleifera. Kelor/ Horse radish tree or Moringa (Moringa oleifera) is a type of plant of the tribe Moringaceae. This plant has a stem height of 7-11 meters. Moringa Leaf oval with small size in a single stalk composite compound, can be vegetable or medicine. The flowers are yellowish white flowers and green stem caps; these flowers come out all year with the aroma of fragrant odor. Fruit Moringa elongated triangular called the tang, also can eat like vegetable.

Natural Treatment with Horse-radish tree/Moringa oleifera
The fresh root of Moringa oleifera, mixed with the root skin of Papaya is externally used as powder to treat edema, muscle weakness and beri-beri.The root decoction is taken as emmenagogue and abortive. It is also a remedy for scorbut, rheumatism, hysteria, epilepsy. The root skin of Moringa oleifera contains a volatile oil with the taste of peppermint thought with an offensive odour. The root as well as the leaf is applied as a diuretic in treating gonorrhea. The leaves plus lime, are externally applied to herpes skin diseases of children. The fresh unboiled leaves were found to be antibiotic against Staphylococcus. The seeds are emetic and purgative. As "spiritus moringae compositus" Horse Radish tree/ Moringa oleifera/ Kelor function to be stimulant (appetizer), an anti-flatus drug or a diuretic.

Natural Treatment with Horse-radish tree/Moringa oleifera

The bark contains two alkaloids (moringine and moringinine); the first with weak and the second with strong pharmacological action, being compared with epherdrine and adrenalin. The gum contains arabinose, galactone, glucuronic acid, and traces of rhamnose. A lactone was also isolated, pterigospermin, which had bactericidal action against Staphylococcus in a concentration of 1/75,000. Pterigospermin, found in the extract of various parts of the seeds contains palmitic, stearic, arachidid, behenic, lignoceric, hexadecenoic, linoleic and oleic acids.

Moringa Oleifera/ Horse radish tree, a native of India (Himalaya region), but cultivated in the tropics generally, a.o. in Indonesia, Up to 500 m above sea level. A crooked, porous, gum-containing tree, height 3-10 m, with a biting taste and pungent odour. In India the root was generally accepted by Europeans as subtitute for Horseradish, whose also white pungent roots are used as condiment, hence the English name of Moringa oleifera/Kelor. The leaves have lineair-or club-like glands; the flowers are large, white, grouped as plumes. The fruit of Moringa Oleifera is light brown, large (ca 30 cm), triangular, ribbed and composed of three valves containing a soft white pith and a single row of 12-18 dark brown, roundish seeds, furnished with three membranous wings.

Latin = Moringa Oleifera/Moringa pterygosperma
Indonesian = Kelor/ Marongghi/ Celor
English = Horse-Radish tree
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